Dischargehose for washing with hot water and steam at low pressure, slaughterhouses and food industry. Properties Temperature range: -35°C +95°C for water; +164°C for steam Tube: EPDM, white, smooth...
See moreDischargehose for washing with hot water and steam at low pressure, slaughterhouses and food industry. Properties Temperature range: -35°C +95°C for water; +164°C for steam Tube: EPDM, white, smooth...
See moreHigh pressure steam hose. Properties Temperature range: -40°C +210°C intermitted +230°C Tube: smooth, black, EPDM rubber specially compounded to withstand saturated steam Cover: black or red, smooth...
See moreSuction and deliveryhose for milk and fatty products, animal- and vegetable oils. For food-processing industry Properties Norm: FDA Temperature range: -15°C +90°C intermittant +110°C Tube: butyl,...
See moreSoftwall delivery hose for abrasifs dry alimentary products and PVC granuls. Properties Temperature range: -30°C +70°C Tube: smooth, white para-rubber, anti-abrasif Cover: smooth, black antistatic...
See moreSuction and deliveryhose for milk and fatty products, animal- and vegetable oils. For food-processing industry Properties Norm: FDA Temperature range: -40°C +120°C Tube: butyl, clear white, smooth,...
See moreFood quality, material-handling sunction/dischargehose for transport of sugars, powders, granulates, grains, corn and cattle-food. Properties Norm: FDA Temperature range: -30°C +80°C Tube: NR/SBR,...
See moreNon reinforced PVC-waterhose. Properties Temperature range: -15°C +60°C Tube: PVC, non-toxic, clear transparent, smooth Cover: PVC, non-toxic, clear transparent, smooth
See morePVC airpressurehose for air and water. Non-toxic PVC quality Properties Temperature range: -20°C +60°C Tube: PVC, transparant, smooth Cover: PVC, transparant, smooth Reinforcement: high strenght...
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